As you grow your garden, you need to plant New Seedlings and nurture them till they become stronger and stand on their own.
As an agile coach, do you plant New Seedlings in your team?
Do you show the team new techniques, new ideas and seed their minds?
Do you show them by being hands-on? New process steps? New tools? New ways of doing the old things? New ways of doing new things?
Ask yourself –
- What happened when you planted new seedlings, and you nurtured them?
- When you helped a team member and showed him a new technique?
- When you provided an unexpected improvement in their way of working?
- When you helped in finishing their task, without them asking for help?
Did they smile at you ? Did they Thank you? Did they adopt your next suggestion more easily?
Did they start Trusting you?
So to make a dent in your team’s change journey, and do break those brick walls, you need to start planting as many seedlings everyday as you can, with everyone in your team. Some will die, but others will sprout if not immediately then at a later point in time. Some will grow and become stronger! and the ones who become stronger will be your light house for your transformation journey.
So go ahead and plant new seedlings everyday!
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