Does your transformation suffer from ‘blocker’ souls?
Does your transformation really need those ‘blocker’ souls?
Have you tried to ‘unblock’ those ‘blocker’ souls? and FAILED !
Sometimes it may be better to let the transformation efforts be BLOCKED (for some time at least)
and let the ‘blocker’ souls rejoice ~silently ~
But this can be your ally in most cases, as the BLOCKED transformation now suddenly gives you the SPACE and Time to re-evaluate your OPTIONS, your EXPERIMENTS.
It gives you the time to think and rethink your change management strategy.
- Does your message needs a refresh ?
- Should your medium be changed ?
- Are you under estimating your Impact Radius?
- Is your staff aware of the overall strategy and why this change is coming?
Sometimes the BLOCKERS are useful to take a pause and reset your clock!
So go ahead and let those ‘blocker’ souls not derail you from your journey!
Feel free to share your ‘blocker’ stories in the comment and keep on listening and subscribe to my blog.