Change agents are always running into Blockers, during their transformation journey, and need to overcome the impediments Brick by brick.
This journey can sap your energy and sometimes creates a downward spiral in the energy levels. This negative cycle must be balanced by a positive energy cycle in my view. So how do you break this negative loop and enter the positive loop?
For me, it is the GRATITUDE – which you show every day ~ when you THANK your stars and enter the positive state of mind.
Gratitude comes from the Latin word gratia, which means gratefulness, and associates us to a higher power.
As we show Gratitude, we get this feeling of gratefulness and thankfulness, which allows our minds to be at peace and focus on all the positive things happening around us, even if they are very small!
It could be as simple as a Spark in the eye of the Business user at the new product, or the positive commentary for a feature demo by the Product owner, or simply an Executive smiling at the collaboration within the teams, or a developer who gets the test-first concept. The are all opportunities for us to show our Gratitude. You could start by building up your Gratitude ‘journal’, and slowly you will realize the Happiness factors going up for you, your teams and your stakeholders.
Here are 3 Simple Ideas To Try
- Start by putting up a GRATITUDE BOARD, for your personal accomplishments
- Encourage the Teams to start their Team Gratitude Board/Journal for their Tiny improvements.
- Introduce Gratitude Exercises in your teams daily routine, just as Teri McKeveer introduced for her athletes
Let me know what you try and give it a thought if you think GRATITUDE matters for you/your team?
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